Osaan YKI-testiä:
kirjoittaminen on helppoa!

With this eBook you will definitely say:
I can pass the YKI test: WRITING IS EASY!

 YKI-testi Kirjoittaminen Harjoitus, YKI-testi Kurssi

YKI-testi Kirjoittaminen Harjoitus:
do you feel stressed of it?

Are you looking for the YKI test samples and tasks?

Are you struggling for ready YKI test examples of messages, applications, complaints and ESSAYS?

Prepare for YKI-testi Kirjoittaminen easily.
Get YKI-testi Harjoitus eBook

YKI-testi kirjoittaminen, YKI-testi harjoitus

This Finnish eBook consists of 30 ready YKI test examples
corresponding to level B1-C1 (YKI-testi keskitaso – YKI-testi ylin taso)

Short messages and emails to friends - 8 examples
Official or semi-official emails: job and university applications, complaints and feedbacks on services - 5 examples
Essays (YKI-testi mielipide) - 14 examples
BONUS: speaking tasks (YKI-testi Puhuminen Harjoitus) -
3 examples

Recommended literature and web links

 YKI-testi Harjoitus eBook
Healthy habits
Repairs and other life situations
Hobbies and sports

Travel and global warming

The main purpose of this eBook is to get you prepared for the most common YKI test writing topics:

What will you need to get certain level?
  • B1 level
    You need to follow the structure of the examples and use the simplest grammatical phrases
  • B2 level
    You need to use spoken language and more variable vocabulary
  • C1 level
    You need to follow the whole structure and vocabulary variety of the examples
About the author
I have been living in Finland since 2015, but I did not start learning Finnish due to stereotype that Finnish language is very difficult. It seemed Finnish language was with a complex grammar and an incomprehensible meaning of words without any associations. In 2020, I realized that my true need was to pass the YKI test, not to master the language! I have prepared to the YKI test in 7 months of intensive learning almost from scratch and achieved an excellent result – my proficiency in Finnish language was rated by B2 level in all parts of the YKI test.

As well as you I was preparing for YKI test and looking for YKI test writing topics, ready examples of applications, complaints and essays. During my preparation I have found plenty of valuable books and materials that can be found in Chapter 5 - Literature recommendations and web links. All of these materials are synchronized in this YKI-testi Harjoitus eBook. All examples were reviewed and corrected by native speakers and Finnish language teachers. I decided to create YKI-testi Harjoitus eBook to give you the ready YKI test examples of writing topics and tasks, and make your preparation easier and more focused.

If you also need to pass the YKI test, with this YKI-testi Harjoitus eBook you will prepare for the YKI test in just a few months, not years!
Sincerely yours,
Alena Barashian
To get Finnish citizenship

YKI certificate is sufficient to obtain Finnish citizenship when you have obtained at least level 3 (B1) from one of the following combinations of sub-examinations:

Listening + Writing

Speaking + Writing

Speaking + Reading

Why do you need to pass the YKI test?

To enter gymnasiums or universities and apply for jobs in public services

To demonstrate your language skills for an employer

YKI-testi Harjoitus eBook

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